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Mindfulness Box


This Self Care Bundle includes beautiful tools to help you have a mental and physical reset. Helping you learn more about how to be more intentional with screen time and give you tools to help you unwind and take time for yourself.


The products you will find in this box:


- The things you can only see when you slow down RRP $25

- Moonbox Earth Seeds for hormones RRP $19

- Energise Me Oil with Peppermint & Orange Essential Oils RRP $15

- Aromatherapy Candle Soothe the Soul Pure Essential Oils and Pure Soy Wax.  RRP $30

- CocoLolo Coconut Oil for hydrating nd nourshing your skin RRP $20


SAVE $44.00


If you would love self care products like these delivered every month, check out our Self Care Club Membership. 

Mindfulness Box

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